—— 《情歌》填詞人,陳沒。
主頁上一句句的慰藉與鼓勵 ,在為她自己、單身的朋友們,還有其他相戀或失戀的人發下一個信念。前面還有很多未知數,所以要懂得珍惜曾經及現在的所有,療傷之餘,為下一段感情做更充分的的準備。(這一直是我對愛情的信仰。)
“ 有時愛情一眨眼,靠著的肩變失眠,遺失了一句永遠,地球轉速沒增減。”
小雪概歎這末日將結束一切,抹殺藏在她的心底話。我許願,希望上帝再給世人多一點時間彌補遺憾。所以我用心并傾盡全力的的和它練習愛,站在末日面前我可以更勇敢更堅定向著祂說 :
“ 我背後已經被無限大的愛包覆 ,末日儘管放馬過來! ”
" If the world should stop revolving
Spinning slowly down to die
I'd spend the end with you
And when the world was through "
—— David Gates
If a picture paints a thousand words
Then why can't I paint you
The words will never show
The you I've come to know
If a face could launch a thousand ships
Then where am I to go
There's no one home but you
You're all that's left me too
And when my love for life is running dry
You come and pour yourself on me
If a man could be two places at one time
I'd be with you
Tomorrow and today
Beside you all the way
If the world should stop revolving
Spinning slowly down to die
I'd spend the end with you
And when the world was through
Then one by one the stars would all go out
And you and I would simply fly away
曾经 我看了你的部落 我好想写些什么 可是心里却缺落了一种文字上的遗憾 所以到最后 我什么也没有写 就留在心里 等待着字句光临
回覆刪除有时候描绘得太好 没有想象 所以有时候你写的话儿 留一顿号 让过路者能想象想象 (嬉笑)